Sunday, September 4, 2011

Face of Day 12: hand stitched obsessed

Finally able to post day 12! Things have been crazy... lots of work, and staying @ Harley's (dog featured in Day 11) house, which doesn't have the internet. Plus, Manny left to go back to NYC on friday (wahhhhh!)Basically, Whit= all over the place.

Onwards and artwards onto Day 12...

Day 12: Why?... What?.... How???...


    1.  I've grown to ♥ hand sewing/stiching... (as shown in Day 5, 11, 12). I daydream of the endless possibilities of what I can do with embroidery floss & a needle....

    2. I  ♥ typography

    3. Laziness. I thought it wouldn't take long. So wrong.

    4. My desire to change my blog header (thought may end up cool)


  1. Canvas Pad

  2. Pencil to trace

  3. Scissor

  4. Embroidery Floss

  5. Lots of sewing needles


The reason I ♥ hand sewing is there is a lot of creative freedom...a.k.a. I totally winged this, ha.


[caption id="" align="alignright" width="363" caption="My lucha libre face!"]20110904-104929.jpg[/caption]

Then.... it started to look like a lucha libre mask.










I trieeeedddd to de-luchalibre the face.....

.....but, I'm lazy, so I decided to...

embrace it

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="a face... a day... a year..."]20110904-105002.jpg[/caption]


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