Face(s) of Day 8 = fun, fun, fun.
I got to:*Links of TutorialsThe process.
To make the stencil I first sketched the first face (left) with pencil (on the dull side of the freezer paper). Then I cut out shapesfrom the sketch with an x-acto knife.After the first face, I realized I found the sketching--->cutting process tobe tedious, so I free-handed --with the x-acto knife -- the second face, the one in the blue (see the finished photo below).
I ironed the stencils onto the canvas, then started to paint. I had no real concept to work off of so I just winged it.
Spray Paint, Acrylics, Paper Towels, Drips, Mix
[caption id="attachment_49" align="aligncenter" width="390" caption="Beginning to paint over the stencils"]

[caption id="attachment_51" align="aligncenter" width="401" caption=" i love Acyrlic + Alcohol"]

After paint dried, I peeled the stencil off.
[caption id="attachment_52" align="aligncenter" width="513" caption="Day 8... finished product"]

Although it didn't turn out as crisp and neat as I'd hope I like the effects created by the acrylic- alcohol- water mix. Also, freezer paper stencil are supposed to work best on fabric, so I don't think primed canvas was the ideal surface for the stencil to seal onto. Either way, I'm digging freezer paper.