Onwards and artwards onto Day 12...
Day 12: Why?... What?.... How???...
- I've grown to ♥ hand sewing/stiching... (as shown in Day 5, 11, 12). I daydream of the endless possibilities of what I can do with embroidery floss & a needle....
- I ♥ typography
- Laziness. I thought it wouldn't take long. So wrong.
- My desire to change my blog header (thought may end up cool)
- Canvas Pad
- Pencil to trace
- Scissor
- Embroidery Floss
- Lots of sewing needles
The reason I ♥ hand sewing is there is a lot of creative freedom...a.k.a. I totally winged this, ha.
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="363" caption="My lucha libre face!"]
Then.... it started to look like a lucha libre mask.
I trieeeedddd to de-luchalibre the face.....
.....but, I'm lazy, so I decided to...
embrace it
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="a face... a day... a year..."]
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